Frontend Developer

I design and code beautifully simple things, and I love what I do.

Hi, I’m Daniel. Nice to meet you.

I completed the Frontend development course this year, because I like to create clean and responsive pages and I am motivated by continuous technological development. I'm dedicated and curious, and I'm constantly working to be even better!


I always strive for a simple structure, a clean look and thoughtful interactions.

Design Tools

  • Figma
  • Font Awesome
  • Google Fonts
  • Styled components

Frontend Developer

I like to code things from scratch, and enjoy bringing ideas to life in the browser.

Languages I speak

HTML | CSS | Sass | Tailwind CSS | Bootstrap | JavaScript | TypeScript | Node.js | Git | NPM

Dev Tools

  • Github
  • Vercel
  • Vite
  • Visual Studio Code


I never stop learning, so I am constantly training myself in the latest technologies

Technologies I'm still learning

  • Angular
  • React
  • Next.Js
  • Node.js
  • MondogDB
  • Express

My Recent Work

Here are some of my previous projects that I have worked on. Want to see more? Email me.

The Wild Oasis

The Wild Oasis: Welcome to The Wild Oasis! Its aim is to simplify and optimize cabin management and bookings.

Fast React Pizza Co.

Fast React Pizza Co. : The app called "Fast React Pizza Co." is an easy-to-use platform that allows users to order pizza quickly and easily.


Forkify: Explore the world of food recipes with this JavaScript application using the Forkify API to retrieve and display information.


Bankist: A fictional online bank. You have the possibility to log into the account and use several functions, just like in a real bank!


Mapty: Map application made with JavaScript for storing workouts. It was an exciting and a really challenging task

My number

Guess my number: A number-guessing game where you get feedback through dom manipulation

Classy Weather

Classy Weather: The weather app called "Classy Weather" is an innovative and aesthetic platform that allows users to easily and quickly view the weather of any city.

Travel List

Far Away: Compiling a travel list is easy! Just state what you don't want to leave at home and how much of it.

See more on GitHub